The Antichrist will persecute the Jews on an industrial scale like Adolph Hitler did. 1/3 of the world’s Jewish population died under Hitler. 2/3 will die under Antichrist’s reign (Zachariah 13:8)
Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler review SS troops during Reich Party Day ceremonies. (September 1938)
With the rapid growth of government’s power and size it is only a matter of time when they will seek to control all aspects of our lives and initiate a persecution of the Jews and Christians for worshipping Jehovah God instead of the governments caesars. We might be living in the time of superior testing in this regard. Stay true to the Lord Jesus and affirm Him no matter who the governmental authorities say we should worship.
Many have written about their hatred for the Jews from the time of the Bible. Christ said that they would suffer because they did not recognize Him at the time of His visitation. Corporate Israel refused to recognize Him as their long awaited Messiah.
Luke 19:42 saying, “If you had known in this day, even you, the things which make for peace! But now they have been hidden from your eyes.(NASB)
Matthew 23: 37-38 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. “Behold, your house is being left to you desolate!(NASB)
Within the militantly intolerant and violent Nazi Third Reich, Jews were considered to be foul, have shameful lives, and were subjected to horrible treatment. The Nazis wanted to first expel them from Germany and then later to subject them to cruel treatment as well as painful death simply because they were Jews. The Nazis used the same despicable kind of language found in Martin Luther’s The Jews and Their Lies when describing them publicly. It also appeared in Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Nazi Germany did not invent anything new regarding the treatment of Jews. They simply amplified the anti-Jewish attitude inherent in European Christianity and its history. The constant “question” which rose in Hitler’s party and later in his administration was, what do we do with the Jews? The issue became known as the “Jewish Question.” They attributed the Jews as the source of all economic and social problems. Their answer was found in 1941which became known as the “Final Solution.
Adolf Hitler was the second leader of the Nazi Party after founder Anton Drexler. He held the roles of Reich Chancellor and sole dictator of the Third Reich from 1933 to 1945. He was the only Head of State to also be in complete and total control of the Armed Forces. He was in complete control of all state affairs in Germany for twelve years.
Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria, on April 20 1889. He committed suicide on May 1, 1945. He was born when his father was fifty-two and employed as an Austrian customs official. His father’s name was Alois Schickelgruber Hitler, and his third wife, Adolf’s mother, was a young peasant girl, named Klara Poelzl. They were both from the Waldviertel of lower Austria. Hitler was a resentful, discontented child. He was moody, lazy, of unstable temperament, deeply hostile towards his strict, authoritarian father and strongly attached to his indulgent, hard-working mother. She succumbed to cancer in December 1908 and Hitler was strongly affected by her death.[1]
He tried to attend art school in Vienna and was turned down more than once. He became very embittered at his rejection by the Viennese Academy of Fine Arts, and at that time he adopted a view of life, which changed very little in the ensuing years. It was shaped by a pathological hatred of Jews and Marxists, liberalism and the greater Habsburg monarchy.[2] In Vienna he acquired his first education in politics by studying the demagogic techniques of the popular Christian-social Mayor, Karl Lueger, and picked up the stereotyped, obsessive anti-Judiasm with its brutal, violent connotations and concern with the “purity of blood” that remained with him to the end of his life.
In May 1913 Hitler left Vienna for Munich and, when World War I broke out in August 1914, he joined the Infantry. During the war he was temporarily blinded. As a result of the war wounds, the abortive November 1918 Bolshevik revolution in Germany, as well as the humiliating German military defeat, Hitler was convinced that fate had chosen him. He thought that he would be the one to rescue a humiliated nation from the shackles of the Versailles Treaty, from Bolsheviks and Jews.
Assigned by the German Army in the summer of 1919 to “educational” duties, which consisted largely of spying on political parties in the vastly overheated atmosphere of post-revolutionary Munich, Hitler was sent to investigate a small nationalistic group of idealists, the German Workers’ Party. On September 16, 1919 he entered the Party (which had approximately forty members), soon changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) and had imposed himself as its Chairman by July 1921.
Hitler discovered that he had a powerful talent for oratory. He had a hoarse, grating voice. It contained a bombastic, humorless, histrionic tone, which affected his speeches. His speeches captivated audiences by his impassioned conviction and gift for self-dramatization. Many said he was demonically driven.[3] One of the early founders of the Nazi party was Dietrich Echart. As he lay dying in 1923 he made the following statement about Hitler:
Follow Hitler! He will dance but it is I who has called the tune! I have initiated him into the “Secret Doctrine,” opened his centers in vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers. Do not mourn for me: I shall have influenced history more than any other German.”[4]
Echart was a dedicated Satanist immersed in black magic and an occultist active in the German occultic organization known as the Thule group. Echart claimed to have a “satanic annunciation” through séances letting him know that he was the forerunner of the “Antichrist”. Hitler was obviously not the “Antichrist” but nonetheless he was an “Antichrist”. Echart saw himself as sort of an occult equilivant of “John the Baptist.”
By November 1921 Hitler was recognized as Führer (leader) of a movement, which had three thousand members, and boosted his personal power by organizing quasi-military squads to keep order at his meetings and break up those of his opponents. He was well on his way to developing a cult like following of the German people as their cult leader, the Führer. Out of these squads grew the storm troopers (SA) organized by Captain Ernst Röhm and Hitler’s black-shirted personal bodyguard, the Schutzstaffel (SS). The Führer status grew into a cult-like aura in Germany whose citizens were hungry for substantial leadership after losing the war and experiencing an attempted revolution.
Hitler focused his propaganda against the Versailles Treaty, the “November criminals,” (Weimar Republic’s government who had negotiated the Versailles Treaty) the Marxists and the visible, internal enemy No. 1, the “Jew,” who he claimed were responsible for all Germany’s domestic problems. In the twenty-five-point program of the National Socialists democratic Workers Party (NSDAP) announced on February 24, 1920, the exclusion of the Jews from the Volk community, the myth of Aryan race supremacy and extreme nationalism were combined with “socialistic” ideas of profit-sharing and nationalization. Hitler’s first written utterance on political questions dating from this period emphasized that what he called “the anti-Semitism of reason” must lead “to the systematic combating and elimination of Jewish privileges. Its ultimate goal must implacably be the total removal of the Jews.” [5]
By November 1923 Hitler was convinced that the Weimar Republic was on the verge of collapse and sought to overthrow the Bavarian government in Munich. Bursting into a beer-hall in Munich and firing his pistol into the ceiling, he shouted out that he was heading a new provisional government, which would carry through a revolution against “Red Berlin.” Hitler then marched through Munich at the head of two thousand men, only to be met by police fire, which left sixteen dead and brought the attempted putsch to an ignominious end. Hitler was arrested and tried on February 26,1924, succeeding in turning the tables on his accusers with a confident, propagandist speech which ended with the prophecy:
For it is not you, gentlemen, who pass judgment on us. That judgment is spoken by the eternal court of history. What judgment you will hand down I know. But that court will not ask us; “ Did you commit high treason or did you not?” That court will judge us., the Quartermaster General of the old Army (Ludendorff)., his officers and soldiers, as Germans who wanted only the good of their own people and Fatherland, who wanted to fight and die. You may pronounce us guilty a thousand times over, but the goddess of the eternal court of history will smile and tear to tatters the brief of the state prosecutor and the sentence of this court. For she acquits us.[6]
Sentenced to five years’ imprisonment in Landsberg fortress, Hitler was released after only nine months during which he dictated Mein Kampf (My Struggle) to his loyal follower, Rudolf Hess. Subsequently the “bible” of the Nazi Party, this crude, unsophisticated declaration of primitive Social Darwinism, racial myth, anti-Judaism and lebensraum (living space) fantasy had sold over five million copies by 1939 and was translated into eleven languages.
The failure of the Beer-Hall putsch and his period of imprisonment transformed Hitler from an incompetent adventurer into a shrewd political tactician, who henceforth decided that he would never again confront the gun barrels of army and police until they were under his command. He concluded that the road to power lay not through force alone but through legal subversion of the Weimar Constitution, the building of a mass movement and the combination of parliamentary strength with extra-paramilitary street terror and intimidation. Helped by Hermann Goering, Heinrich Himmler and Joseph Goebbels, his henchmen leaders, he began to reassemble his followers and rebuild the movement, which had disintegrated in his absence.
In January 1925 the ban on the Nazi Party was removed and Hitler regained permission to speak in public. Hitler re-established himself in 1926 as the ultimate arbiter to whom all factions appealed in an ideologically and socially diverse movement.
Avoiding rigid, definitions of National Socialism, which would have undermined the charismatic nature of his efforts, and his claim to absolute leadership, Hitler succeeded in extending his appeal beyond Bavaria and attracting both Right and Left to his movement. Though the Nazi Party won only twelve seats in the 1928 elections, the onset of the Great Depression with its devastating effects on the middle classes helped Hitler to win over all those strata in German society who felt their economic existence was threatened. In addition to peasants, artisans, craftsmen, traders, small businessmen, ex-officers, students and others the Nazis in 1929 began to win over the big industrialists, nationalist conservatives and army circles. With the backing of the press tycoon, Alfred Hugenberg, Hitler received a tremendous nationwide exposure just as the effects of the world economic crisis hit Germany, producing mass unemployment, social dissolution, fear and indignation. With demagogic virtuosity, Hitler played on national resentments, feelings of revolt and the desire for strong leadership using all the most modern techniques of mass persuasion to present himself as Germany’s redeemer and messianic savoir.
In the 1930 elections the Nazi vote jumped dramatically from 810,000 of the previous election to 6,409,000 (18.3 percent of the total vote) and they received 107 seats in the Reichstag (German national legislature building). Prompted by Hjalmar Schacht and Fritz Thyssen, the great industrial magnates began to contribute liberally to the treasury of the NSDAP, reassured by Hitler’s performance before the Industrial Club in Dusseldorf on January 27, 1932 that they had nothing to fear from the radicals in the Party.
The following month Hitler officially acquired German citizenship and decided to run for the Presidency, receiving 13,418,011 votes in the run-off elections of April 10, 1931 as against 19,359,650 votes for the victorious von Hindenburg, but four times the vote for the communist candidate, Ernst Thaelmann. In the Reichstag elections of July 1932 the Nazis emerged as the largest political party in Germany, obtaining nearly fourteen million votes (37.3 per cent) and 230 seats of the 657 total or 35%. Although the NSDAP fell back in November 1932 to eleven million votes (196 seats), Hitler was helped to power by an influential group of conservative politicians led by Franz von Papen, who persuaded the unwilling President von Hindenburg to nominate Hitler as Reich Chancellor on January 30, 1933.
Once in power, Hitler moved quickly to outmaneuver his rivals by ousting the conservatives from any real participation in government. By July 1933 he had abolished the free trade unions, eliminated the communists, Social Democrats and Jews from any role in political life as well as sweeping opponents into concentration camps. The staged Reichstag fire of February 27, 1933 provided him with the perfect pretext to begin consolidating the beginnings of a totalitarian one-party State, and special “enabling laws.” These were ramrodded through the Reichstag to legalize the regime’s intimidatory tactics under the guise of protecting the nation from terrorist’s attacks such as the Reichstag fire.
With support from the nationalists, Hitler gained a majority at the last “democratic” elections held in Germany on March 5, 1933 and with exceptional skill he used persuasion, propaganda, terror and intimidation to secure power. The seductive notions of “National Awakening” and a “Legal Revolution” helped paralyze potential opposition and disguise the reality of autocratic power behind a facade of traditional institutions.
The destruction of the radical SA (Hitler’s personal army) leadership under Ernst Rohm in the Blood Purge of June 1934 (night of the long knives) confirmed Hitler as undisputed dictator of the Third Reich and by the beginning of August, when he united the positions of Führer and Chancellor on the death of von Hindenburg, he had all the powers of State in his hands. Avoiding any institutionalization of authority and status, which could challenge his own undisputed position as supreme arbiter, Hitler allowed subordinates like Himmler, Goering and Goebbels to mark out their own domains of arbitrary power.
A conference of ministers was held on August 20, 1935, to discuss the economic effects of Party actions against Jews.[7] Adolf Wagner, the Party representative at the conference, argued that such actions would cease, once the Government decided on a firm policy against the Jews. The following month two measures were announced at the annual Party Rally in Nuremberg, becoming known as the Nuremberg Laws. Both measures were hastily improvised (there was even a shortage of drafting paper so that menu cards had to be used) and Jewish experts from the Ministry of the Interior were ordered to Nuremberg by plane.
The first law, The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor, prohibited marriages and extra-marital intercourse between “Jews ” (the name was now officially used in place of “non-Aryans ”) and “Germans ” and also the employment of “German ” females under forty-five in Jewish households.
Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor
(September15, 1935)
Article 1
1. Marriages between Jews and citizens of German or kindred blood are forbidden. Marriages concluded in defiance of this law are void, even if, for the purpose of evading this law, they were concluded abroad.
2. Proceedings for annulment may be initiated only by the Public Prosecutor.
Section 2
Sexual relations outside marriage between Jews and nationals of German or kindred blood are forbidden.
Section 3
Jews will not be permitted to employ female citizens of German or kindred blood as domestic servants.
Section 4
1. Jews are forbidden to display the Reich and national flag or the national colors. 2. On the other hand they are permitted to display the Jewish colors. The exercise of this right is protected by the State.
Section 5
1. A person who acts contrary to the prohibition of Section 1 will be punished with hard labour.
2. A person who acts contrary to the prohibition of Section 2 will be punished with imprisonment or with hard labour.
3. A person who acts contrary to the provisions of Sections 3 or
4 will be punished with imprisonment up to a year and with a fine, or with one of these penalties.
Section 6
The Reich Minister of the Interior in agreement with the Deputy Führer and the Reich Minister of Justice will issue the legal and administrative regulations required for the enforcement and supplementing of this law.
Section 7
The law will become effective on the day after its promulgation; Section 3, however, not until 1 January 1936.[8] The second law, The Reich Citizenship Law, stripped Jews of their German citizenship and introduced a new distinction between “Reich citizens ” and “nationals.”
The Reich Citizenship Law
(September, 15, 1933)
Article I
1. A subject of the State is a person who belongs to the protective union of the German Reich, and who therefore has particular obligations towards the Reich.
2. The status of subject is acquired in accordance with the provisions of the Reich and State Law of Citizenship.
Article 2
1. A citizen of the Reich is that subject only who is of German or kindred blood and who, through his conduct, shows that he is both desirous and fit to serve the German people and Reich faithfully.
2. The right to citizenship is acquired by the granting of Reich citizenship papers.
3. Only the citizen of the Reich enjoys full political rights in accordance with the provision of the laws.
Article 3
The Reich Minister of the Interior in conjunction with the Deputy of the Führer will issue the necessary legal and administrative decrees for carrying out and supplementing this law.[9]
The Nuremberg Laws by their general nature formalized the unofficial and particular measures taken against Jews up to 1935. The Nazi leaders made a point of stressing the consistency of this legislation with the Party program, which demanded that Jews should be deprived of their rights as citizens. Although the Jews were being forced out of the country, after the Nuremberg Laws, the German government began forced deportations of Jews. Most of the deportations were to Poland. Since the Russian Tsars had sent many Jews to the Pale, which was in Eastern Poland and the Ukraine the population of Jews there significantly increased.
During the next four years Hitler enjoyed a succession of domestic and international successes, outwitting rival political leaders abroad just as he had defeated his opposition at home. In 1935 he abandoned the Versailles Treaty and began to build up the army by conscripting five times its permitted number. He persuaded Great Britain to allow an increase in Germany’s naval construction program and in March 1936 he occupied the demilitarized Rhineland without opposition.
One of the first visible anti-Jewish veiled official attacks on the Jews occurred on November 8-9, 1938 and has been called the Kristallnacht. This is a German word referring to the nights of “broken glass.” It was a pogrom in Nazi Germany against the Jews. On a single night, ninety-one Jews were murdered, and 25,000 to 30,000 were arrested and deported to concentration camps.[10] The Nazis coordinated an attack on Jewish people and their property in Germany and German-controlled lands as a part of Hitler’s anti-Jewish policy. The precipitating event occurred on November 8, 1938,when Herschel Grynszpan, a 17-year old German Jew enraged by his family’s expulsion from Germany, walked into the German Embassy in Paris and fired five shots at a junior diplomat, Ernst vom Rath. Two days later, the diplomat died and Germany was in the grip of skillfully orchestrated anti-Jewish violence. In the early hours of November 10, an orgy of coordinated destruction broke out in cities, towns and villages throughout the Third Reich. The consequences of this violence were disastrous for the Jews of the Third Reich. In a single night, Kristallnacht saw the destruction of more than two thousand Synagogues, and the ransacking of tens of thousands of Jewish businesses and homes. It marked the beginning of the systematic eradication of a people in Germany who could trace their ancestry to Abraham in 2350 B.C., and served as a prelude to the Holocaust that was to follow. Hitler did not claim to be responsible for this pogrom although it was fully orchestrated by Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels stated that it was a “spontaneous demonstration of the German people in reaction to the news of the murder in Paris.” [11] Such was the typical Nazi denial of any personal responsibility to Jewish directed atrocities in Germany.
The German rearmament program led to full employment and an unrestrained expansion of production, which was reinforced by his foreign policy successes. The Rome-Berlin pact of 1936, the Anschluss with Austria and the “liberation” of the Sudeten Germans in 1938 brought Hitler to the height of his popularity. In February 1938 he dismissed sixteen senior generals and took personal command of the armed forces, thus ensuring that he had total control of the military for implementing his own agenda. That same year Time magazine named him “Man of the Year.”
As the Nazis marched into Poland on September 1, 1939 the SS and The Gestapo followed after setting up the concentration and extermination camps while rounding the Jews in ghettos. They called the occupied areas the “Generalgouvernement” [12] and the capital was Cracow. It was an autonomous entity separate from the German government led by Hans Frank and run exclusively by Germans or those of German descent.[13] It included Poland and the far eastern areas of Germany. There they immediately began persecuting and killing Jews. The methods first used were machine gunning and firing squads. Soon after the Final Solution was devised in 1941.The first crematorium was operational in Auschwitz in August 1940 but it was not until autumn of 1941 that Zyklon B gas began to be used to expedite the mass murders.
Hydrogen cyanide HCN, prussic acid, is a chemical compound in the form of a powerfully poisonous, volatile colorless liquid with the odor of bitter almonds. Prussic acid is considered a battlefield poison agent. Its action depends on the restraint of cellular respiration as a result of neutralizing the respiratory enzymes. Prussic acid passes through the mucous membranes and the skin, but principally through the lungs, into the blood. It blocks the process by which oxygen is released from red blood corpuscles and the result is a sort of internal asphyxiation. This is accompanied by symptoms of injury to the respiratory system, combined with a feeling of fear, dizziness and vomiting.[14]
Zyklon B was used in Germany before and during the Second World War for disinfection and pest extermination. In the Auschwitz concentration camp as well, it was used exclusively for sanitation and pest control until mid 1941. After the end of August 1941, Zyklon was used in the camp as an agent of mass annihilation.
Extermination camps were killing centers designed to carry out genocide. Between 1941 and 1945, the Nazis established six extermination camps in former Polish territory. Those camps were: Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz-Birkenau (part of the Auschwitz complex), and Majdanek. Chelmno and Auschwitz were established in areas annexed to Germany in 1939. The other camps (Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Majdanek) were established in the Generalgouvernement (General Government) of Poland. Both Auschwitz and Majdanek functioned as concentration and forced-labor camps as well as killing centers. The overwhelming majority of the victims of the extermination camps were Jews. An estimated 3.3 million Jews were killed in these six extermination camps as part of the “Final Solution.” Other victims included Roma (Gypsies) and Soviet prisoners of war.

Figure 6. Estimated Number of Jews Killed in the Final Solution. The war against Russia was to be an anti-Bolshevik crusade, a war of annihilation in which the fate of European Jewry would finally be sealed. Early in 1941 Hitler had prophesied:
The forthcoming campaign is more than just an armed conflict; it will lead also, to a showdown of two different ideologies…. The Jewish-Bolshevik intelligentsia, the “oppressor” of the people up to now must be eliminated. [15]
By the end of 1941 the United States had entered the war against the Axis powers. Hitler identified the totality of Germany’s enemies with “international Jewry,” who supposedly stood behind the British-American-Soviet alliance. The policy of forced emigration had manifestly failed to remove the Jews from Germany’s expanded lebensraum, increasing their numbers under German rule as the Wehrmacht moved east.
Hitler was driven to implement the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question” which had been under consideration since 1939. Factors that pushed this decision include the widening of the conflict into a World War by the end of 1941; the refusal of the British to accept Germany’s right to continental European hegemony (which Hitler attributed to “Jewish” influence); failure to agree to his “peace” terms; and the racial-ideological nature of the assault on Soviet Russia. The measures already taken in those regions of Poland annexed to the Reich against Jews (and Poles) indicated the genocidal implications of Nazi-style “Germanization” policies. There were a tremendous number of Jewish people living in Poland at that time. This was due in large part because the Russian Tsars had forced them into the Pale of Settlement in Eastern Russia, Poland, and The Ukraine. The invasion of Soviet Russia was to set the seal on Hitler’s notion of territorial conquest in the East, which was linked with annihilating the “origin of Jewish Bolshevism” and therefore with the liquidation of all Jews under German rule.
As the Red Army approached Berlin and the Anglo-Americans reached the Elbe, on March 19, 1945 Hitler ordered the destruction of what remained of German industry, communications and transport systems. He was resolved that, if he did not survive, Germany too should be destroyed. The same ruthless nihilism and passion for destruction, which had led to the extermination of six million Jews in death camps, to the biological “cleansing” of the sub-human Slavs and other subject peoples in the New Order, was finally turned on his own people.
On May 1, 1945 Hitler committed suicide, shooting himself through the right temple with a Walther 7.65 mm pistol.[16] His body was carried into the garden of the Reich Chancellery by aides, covered with gasoline and burned along with that of Eva Braun his recent wife. This final, macabre act of self-destruction appropriately symbolized the career of a political leader whose main legacy to Europe was the ruin of its civilization and the senseless sacrifice of human life for the sake of power and his own commitment to the bestial nonsense of the National Socialist race mythology. With his death nothing was left of the “Greater Germanic Reich,” which had devastated Europe and killed a minimum of six million Jews during the twelve years of his totalitarian rule.
The Antichrist
The Bible speaks to the future one world leader’s origin, career and destiny. He will be born to a gentile woman and be the last ruler of the Gentile world empires on earth. (Rev 17:15) He will come from the region of Rome (Dan 9:26-27). His birth will be a counterfeit of the Son of God, Jesus the Christ. He will have both a supernatural (through Satan) and a natural conception and birth (Gen 3:15; II Thes 2:9). By the time Anti-Christ comes to office there will be a single government on the earth. (Dan 7:23-24) From this will emerge a division of the world into ten independent states or economic entities. (Dan 7:24) He will kill three of the leaders of the ten while the others submit to him granting him complete control over the earth. The ecclesiastical leader will support him by swaying the masses toward allegiance to him.
Daniel describes him as a willful king (Dan 11:36-39), characterized by self-exultation above all men and self-deification by magnifying himself above even God. By deifying himself he will put himself above all humanity. He won’t desire the love of women and therefore be inhuman toward women. This is in keeping with his similarity to Adolph Hitler:
“His rambling, discursive outpourings were the purest expression of unbounded, megalomaniac power and breathtaking inhumanity.”[1] The enmity of Satan against womanhood continues through Satan’s seed. He will be under the total control of Satan. One of his capabilities will be superb oratory skill while misleading the masses. Consider the following admonitions from the apostle Peter and the Lord’s brother Jude regarding false teachers and how they persuade.
2Pe 2:18 For, uttering great swelling [words] of vanity, they entice in the lusts of the flesh, by lasciviousness, those who are just escaping from them that live in error (KJV)
Jude 1:16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their lusts (and their mouth speaketh great swelling [words]), showing respect of persons for the sake of advantage. (KJV)
This will be his chief satanic enablement. He will be able to sway the masses with “great swelling words.” Ian Kershaw in his biography of Adolph Hitler provided the following quote of his appraisal of Hitler’s oratory skills.
Hitler’s frequently demonstrated diffidence and unease in dealings with individuals contrasted diametrically with his self-confident mastery in exploiting the emotions of his listeners in the theatrical setting of a major speech. He needed the orgasmic excitement which only the ecstatic masses could give him.” Hitler himself quipped that “I must have a crowd to speak. In a small intimate circle I never know what to say.”[2]
Hitler is an example of the power the “Antichrist” will have to sway the masses and convince the world that his “Antichrist” message is to be followed. Hitler possessed a manner of speaking to large masses of people that absolutely captured their imaginations and stimulated within them a tremendously powerful emotion. When Hitler was elated, his normal halting awkward style was transformed into a magical flow of words, delivered with spellbinding effect. In the book, Satan and the Swastika, Francis King says:
Hitler’s public appearances, particularly those associated with the Nazi Party’s Nuremburg rallies, were excellent examples of this sort of magical ceremony. The fanfares, military marches, and Wagnerian music, all emphasized the idea of German military glory. The mass swastika banners in black, white and red, filled the consciousness of the participants in the rally with national socialist ideology. The ballet-like precision of the movement of the uniformed party members, all acting in unison, evoked from the unconscious, principles of war and violence. These were used by the ancients and symbolized as Mars (an occultic symbol). And the prime ritual of the rallies – Hitler clasping to other banners, the ‘blood banner’ carried in the Munich Putsch of 1923 – was a quasi-magical ceremony designed to link up with minds of living Nazis with the archetypal images symbolized by the dead national socialist heroes of the past. The religio-magical aspects of the rallies were emphasized by the fact that their high points were reached after dusk and took place in a “Cathedral of Light” – an open space surrounded by pillars of light coming from electric searchlights pointed upwards to the sky. If a modern ritual magician of the utmost expertise had designed a ritual intended to “invoke Mars” he could not have come up with anything more effective than the ceremonies used at Nuremburg.”[3]
The “Antichrist” will be controlled and energized by Satan. He will honor the god of fortresses, which is Satan. His policy will be “might makes right.” Then with the help of Satan he will take over the strongest defenses in the world appearing invulnerable. Those who give over themselves to his authority will be given status and authority in his kingdom. (Rev 13:17-18) He will divide territory he has conquered among those who are loyal to him and confess him to be god.
[1] Kershaw, Ian. Hitler in IV Volumes. New York: W.W. Norton, 1998. Reprint Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, 2005,Vol III , 400.
[2] Ibid., Vol I, 133.
[3] King, Francis. Satan and the Swastika: The Occult and the Nazi Party. Frogmore Saint Albans, Hertfordshire, UK: Mayflower, 1976, 269-70
[1] Kershaw, Ian. Hitler in IV Volumes. New York: W.W. Norton, 1998. Reprint Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, 2005, Vol I , 17-18.
[2] Gilbert, Martin. The Illustrated Atlas of Jewish Civilization: 4,000 Years of Jewish History. New York: Macmillian Publishing Company, 1990, 160-161
[3] Lutzer, Irwin W. Hilter’s Cross-. Chicago: Moody Press, 1998, 65.
[4] Ravenscroft , Trevor. Spear of Destiny. York Beach, Maine: Weiser, 1982, 61 as cited in Lutzer, Irwin W. Hilter’s Cross. Chicago: Moody Press, 1998, 91.
[5] Kershaw, Ian. Hitler in IV Volumes. New York: W.W. Norton, 1998. Reprint Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, 2005, Vol I, 144-145.
[6] Stewart, Herman W. Its Your Soul We Want, n.p. 157-58 cited in Shirer, William L. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich :A History of Nazi Germany: II Vols. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1959. Reprint Norwalk, CT: The Easton Press, 1991, Vol I, 78.
[7] Ibid, Vol. I, 232-233.
[8] Noakes, Jeremy, and Geoffrey Pridham. Documents on Nazism 1919-1945. NY: Viking Press, 1974, 463-467 (accessed 8 July 2008) accessible at The Jewish Virtual Library http://World; Internet, n.p.
[9] Ibid, n.p.
[10] Kershaw, Ian. Hitler in IV Volumes. New York: W.W. Norton, 1998. Reprint Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, 2005, 139.
[11] Shirer, William L. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:A History of Nazi Germany: II Vols. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1959. Reprint Norwalk, CT: The Easton Press, 1991,Vol I, 430.
[12] Kershaw, Ian. Hitler in IV Volumes. New York: W.W. Norton, 1998. Reprint Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, 2005. Vol III, 245
[13] Gilbert, Martin. The Illustrated Atlas of Jewish Civilization: 4,000 Years of Jewish History. New York: Macmillian Publishing Company, 1990, 175
[14] Zyklon B467 (accessed 8 July 2008) accessible at Zyklon.html; Internet, n.p.
[15] Kershaw, Ian. Hitler in IV Volumes. New York: W.W. Norton, 1998. Reprint Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, 2005, 339, 343.
[16] Ibid, 828.